Full Individual Membership
Full Individual Membership is open to people who have completed a training in body psychotherapy.
They must have fulfilled all the Full Membership Criteria.
NB. Some European countries may require other extra items for Membership than the EABP Membership criteria. In these cases it is the country laws that take precedence.
Benefits for Full Members
- Receive a Certificate of Accreditation valid for a two year period
- Name and address published in the Register of Body Psychotherapists
- Access to their own public profile on the website, where they can update changes in personal details, a photo, biography and curriculum vitae
- Access to the Intranet (Members pages) and discussion groups on the website * Receive all EABP information including the quarterly eNews
- Can get print subscriptions for the International Body Psychotherapy Journal and the Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy at a reduced rate
- Can receive reduced prices for EABP and USABP congresses
- Access to the resources of the Ethics Committee
- Can exercise a vote in the biannual General Assembly, or can vote by postal or proxy voting
- Can stand for election for the Board and Committees
- Can be recommended for the European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP) if they are also members of their National Awarding Organisation (NAO) in the EAP.
€ 210 per year.
On acceptance of membership you will be sent an invoice for the yearly membership fee. When your fee has been paid your membership becomes valid and you will be sent a Membership Certificate valid for two years.
Are you interested in joining us?
Then check that you have fulfilled the Full Membership Criteria.
Please apply for membership of EABP via the National Association in your country. If there is no National Association please apply directly to EABP online here.
A good case would need to be made for an applicant not wishing their application to be processed by the National Association and, notwithstanding this, the EABP General Secretary reserves the right to consult with the National Association in the applicant’s country of residence, should there be reasonable need for clarification about the application.