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The EABP Register of Members contains our Full (fully qualified) members, as well as our Candidate, Student, Associate, Honorary and Organisational Members.
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Research has shown that it is not the specific type of Psychotherapy – the techniques or methods – which determines its success – rather the relationship between client and therapist. So choosing a therapist and working in a successful relationship together is of great importance.
It is always a good idea to shop around and if possible get a recommendation for a therapist from a friend or family member.
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organisational members
Institute for Bodymind Integration (IBI)
Ghent, Belgium
Bulgarian Institute of Neoreichian Analitycal Psychotherapy (BINAP)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Bulgarian Neoreichian Psychotherapy Society (BNPS)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Centar Snaga Namjere
Zagreb, Croatia
Center for Integral Body Psychotherapy - IPD / Udruga Centar za Integralnu tjelesnu psihoterapiju
Zagreb , Croatia
Centre for Integrative Development - Educa
Zagreb, Croatia
APPB Association Professionnelle de Psychologie Biodynamique
Montpellier, France
Association Europaenne de Therapie Psychocorporelle et Relationnelle
Strasbourg (Neudorf), France
Ecole Biodynamique
Montpellier, France
European Federation for Bioenergetic Analysis - EFBA-Psychotherapy
Antibes, France
IFCC Institut de Formation en Thérapie Psychocorporelle
Strasbourg, France
Institute for Functional Analysis
Sinssans, France
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Funktionelle Entspannung (A.F.E.)
Bielefeld, Germany
ATEM Der Berufsverband e.V.
Berlin , Germany
Aus- und Fortbildungszentrum Transformative Körperpsychotherapie
Berlin, Germany
Berufsverband der TanztherapeutInnen Deutschland e.V. (BTD)
München, Germany
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer biodynamische Tanztherapie und Tanzpaedagogik HKIT®
Schneverdingen, Germany
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Integrative Leib- und Bewegungstherapie e.V., DGIB
Aulendorf, Germany
Deutscher Arbeitskreis für konzentrative Bewegungstherapie e.V. DAKBT
Ravensburg, Germany
Europaische Schule für Biodynamische Psychologie (ESBPE) e.V.
Riedlingen, Germany
Gesellschaft fur Biodynamische Psychologie und Körperpsychotherapie GBPev
Böbing, Germany
Hakomi Institute of Europe e.V. - Germany
Fürth, Germany
Institut für Psychotherapie Potsdam GmbH
Potsdam, Germany
Institut für Körperpsychotherapie Berlin (IFK Berlin)
Berlin, Germany
International Institute for CoreEvolution & CoreSoma
Essen, Germany
Internationales Institut für Core Evolution - Core Soma
Essen, Germany
Norddeutsches Institut für Bioenergetische Analyse e.V. (NIBA)
Papenburg, Germany
Orgoville Seminare für Erwachsenenbildung GbR - Institut für Orgodynamik -
Fritzlar, Germany
Süddeutsche Gesellschaft für Bioenergetische Analyse e.V., SGfBA e.V.)
Karlsruhe, Germany
Zentrum für integrative Körper- und Psychotherapie
Hamburg, Germany
Zentrum für Primäre Prävention und Körperpsychotherapie (ZePP)
Bremen, Germany
E.I.N.A. - Greek Institute of Vegetotherapy & Character Analysis
Athens, Greece
Hungarian Association for Body Psychotherapy
Budapest, Hungary
Tracht Psychotherapy Foundation
Galway, Ireland
Karkur College of Holistic Therapy
Karkur, Israel
Reidman International College - School for Body-Centered Psychotherapy
Tel-Aviv, Israel
European School of Functional Psychotherapy (SEF)
Napoli , Italy
IIFAB Istituto Italiana de Formazione in Analisi Bioenergetica
Roma, Italy
Istituto Reich
Nettuno (Rome), Italy
Istituto Sviluppo e Interazione G. Downing
Roma, Italy
Istituto Umanistico Psicocorporeo IUP
Bagni di Lucca, Italy
SEOr AI.PeF - Associazione Italiano per lo Sviluppo e l'attuazione del Pensiero Funzionale
Roma, Italy
SIAB Societa Italiana de Analisi Bioenergetica
Roma, Italy
SIAR Societa Italiana di Analisi Reichiana
Roma, Italy
SIB - Società Italiana di Biosistemica
Rome, Italy
SIF Societa Italiana di Psicoterapia Funzionale Corporea
Napoli, Italy
Bio Integral Psychotherapy School
Kanazawa, Japan
Kosova Association for Body Psychotherapy -KABP NOKTA
Prishtinë, Kosovo
IPPC - Instituto Portugues de Psicoterapia Corporal
Coimbra, Portugal
Escuela Espanola Reichiana (ES.TE.R.)
Valencia, Spain
International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA)
Navàs, Spain
IBP Integrative koerperpsychotherapie
Winterthur, Switzerland
IKP Institut fur Korperzentrierte Psychotherapie
Zurich, Switzerland
SGBAT Schweiz. Gesells. fur Bioenerg. Analyse und Therapie
Burgdorf, Switzerland
SGfK Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Koerper und Klientenzentrierte Theorie und Praxis
Zurich, Switzerland
Bodymind Opleidingen
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
NIB Nederlands Instituut voor Biodynamische Psychologie
NL-1058 AN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Cambridge Body Psychotherapy Centre
Cambridge, United Kingdom
LSBP, London School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy
East Finchley, United Kingdom