EABP Congresses

"Congresses are warm-hearted, inspiring and joyful events where members of the community have the opportunity to share their knowledge and techniques with other members, and with professionals from allied health professions."

The EABP European Congress for Body Psychotherapy is held every two years hosted by a National Association or members within a country.

Key members from within the body psychotherapy community as well as experts in related areas of interest are invited to give keynote speeches.

There are live panels and workshops from people working with many different techniques and modalities.

EABP Congress Committees are engaged in looking at content to ensure it contributes to the development of the profession – theory, practice and tools – and the dissemination of information.

The overarching theme for the congresses in 2021, 2023 and 2024 is:

Complexity and integration of Body Psychotherapy.

Membership of EABP entitles you to a special membership reduction. Other reductions are offered to members from low-income countries.

The 19th International Congress will be in Cork, Ireland, 3- 6 September 2026.

Moving beyond Polarities

Past congresses have been held in:

Sofia (2023), Virtual Congress (2021), Berlin (2018), Athens (2016), Lisbon (2014), Cambridge (2012), Vienna (2010), Paris (2008), Askov (2006), Marathon (2004), Ischia (2002), Egmont aan Zee (2001), Travemunde (1999), Pamhagen (1997), Carry-Le-Rouet (1995), Strasbourg (1993), Lindau (1991), Seefeld (1989), Davos (1987).

Congress Publications

Congress in Lisbon September 2014:

The Body in Relationship – Self-Other-Society,

Body Psychotherapy Publications


Congress in Travemünde September 1999

The Flesh of the Soul: The Body we Work with: Selected Papers of the 7th Congress of the European Association of Body Psychotherapy.
