Benefits of Individual Membership
Why become a member of the EABP?
EABP is an Association for members, by members. The input of hundreds of members since its inception in 1988 has made the EABP the vibrant community it is today.
Becoming a member, and taking an active part in the life of the community offers tremendous benefits both personally and professionally. You are part of that community, no longer isolated, but connected to therapists throughout Europe – in fact throughout the world.
You have many opportunities to connect to others from similar backgrounds as well as those from different body psychotherapeutic modalities. You can exchange theories, ideas and methods – and grow and develop in your profession alongside others.
Body Psychotherapy is a new, young field and we have a long way to go to get accepted as a profession. By actively participating as a member you get a sense of satisfaction as your community pulsates with life – developing, growing, expanding – with your input. This gives a feeling of meaning and a balance between giving and taking.
We like to encourage young people and students of body psychotherapy, who are planning their future careers, to get involved early on, to make international contacts, to get to know other students from other modalities and countries, to widen their outlook and prepare themselves for participation as full members of the community.
We look forward to greeting you as a member, whether as a full individual member, candidate, student, associate or organisational member.
Together we are stronger.