Complaints procedure for clients
- Firstly, raise your concern with your therapist to see if you can resolve the matter informally.
- If you wish to make a complaint which you cannot resolve with your therapist do so in writing to:
- The Board of the National Association where the therapist is registered – if there is one in the country you are living in.
- To the EABP board if your therapist is registered directly with the EABP.
Your complaint will be taken seriously and investigated professionally and sensitively.
- If you feel that your therapist has been unprofessional or unethical please take the matter up with the EABP Ethics committee.
- Mark your complaint Private and Confidential, sign and date it. and include your permission that they may see a copy of your complaint.
- You will receive an acknowledgment within 7 working days.
- Your complaint will be investigated by the people concerned. They may ask to speak or meet with you in order to discuss your concerns. You are entitled at any stage in the process to seek independent advice and representation and may also ask a family member or friend to accompany you to any meetings.
- You will receive a written response on the outcome of the investigation within 21working days of the complaint being received.
- If you feel your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, you may appeal to the Chair of the EABP Board who will review the findings and make a final decision.