Training Institutes
To become an organisational member of EABP a Training Institute should have been in existence for at least four years and have a minimum of one crop of graduates. It should have a legal organisational or corporate structure with an appropriate code of ethics and complaints procedure, so that there is a level of professional accountability. At least ten people should be involved.
Training Institutes can join the FORUM of Body Psychotherapy organisations and go through the process of Self-Assessment and Mutual Recognition according to the current EABP Training Standards. They then become fully accredited EABP Training Institutes.
The FORUM provides a mutually beneficial and enriching exchange, giving support to applicants and newer members and those undergoing restructuring. Longer-standing members have a vital role to play in advising and ensuring that high standards are maintained. Through coming together in this way, FORUM members and guests work to promote the future of body psychotherapy across Europe.
€ 210 per year
To join
If you are interested in joining us please complete the online application form.