December 17, 2023



POLYLOGE_online on 14 December, 7 p.m.


Why does body psychotherapy belong in the standard care of our patients? In our December POLYLOGue, I have a very well-known personality from the field of body psychotherapy as a guest: Prof Dr Frank Röhricht from London. Frank Röhricht is a strong advocate for the scientific recognition of body psychotherapy. Above all, however, he is also committed to ensuring that our patients can benefit more from body psychotherapy. He has written many important articles on this subject, e.g. together with Ulfried Geuter: “Klinische Körperpsychotherapie (1). In the first part of our conversation, we will talk about the development and significance of body psychotherapy in Europe, e.g. in England and Germany, as well as in Turkey. Frank Röhricht has set up an integrated Master’s programme in Istanbul. We will then talk about the importance of body psychotherapy for the standard care of our patients. Here we will focus in particular on treatment-related considerations and the general effectiveness factors of body psychotherapy. Finally – if time permits – we will use the example of functional somatic syndromes (FSS), referred to as somatic stress disorder in ICD-11, to address the special approach of body-orientated psychotherapy. As always in our POLYLOGE_online series, this is not a dyadic conversation, but participants can participate in a lively way with their specific questions and opinions.

For more information, please visit the link below:

Warum die Körperpsychotherapie in die Regelversorgung unserer PatientInnen gehört_FLYER_POLYLOGE_online12-2023