EABP Accredited Training in Core Evolution® –

Integrative Body‐Oriented and Mindfulness‐Centered Therapy™ and Consulting

Core Evolu­tion is a pro­fes­sion­al ap­proach in Hu­man­ist­ic, So­mat­ic, Pos­it­ive and Transper­son­al Psy­cho­logy,
So­cial and Heal­ing Sciences, Edu­ca­tion, Psycho­so­mat­ic Medi­cine and Con­sult­ing.

The next be­gin­ning Core Evolu­tion Train­ings in the Eng­lish lan­guage takes place in per­son and on­line.
– In Esto­nia: in-per­son: August 26 – 29, 2021

– In the USA: in-per­son: Octo­ber 8 – 10, 2021

– South Amer­ica, please in­quire

– The world­wide Glob­al Core Evolu­tion Train­ing: be­gins on­line Octo­ber 2 + 3, 2021

Core Evolu­tion ex­plores and works with:

• The phys­ic­al body – its struc­ture, and the dy­nam­ic ex­pres­sion through move­ment;
• Emo­tions and Feel­ings – how we pro­cess our inner and outer im­pulses;
• The Mind – in un­der­stand­ing, know­ing, being aware and struc­tur­ing our think­ing;
• The Will – the fac­ulty that gives en­ergy its dir­ec­tion;
• Ex­pand­ing the lim­it­a­tion of the per­son­al­ity, real­iz­ing choices;
• Form­ing our in­ten­tions in life, ac­cess­ing in­sight, in­spir­a­tion and vis­ion;
• Practice in Being – Aware­ness and Mind­ful­ness;
• The Field of Con­scious­ness – al­low­ing us the per­cep­tion of the to­tal­ity of ex­ist­ence, which is per­ceived and ex­pressed as the flow of love and ex­per­i­enced as es­sence, unity and one­ness
This Cer­ti­fic­a­tion Train­ing uniquely en­com­passes teach­ing and per­son­al pro­cess, which en­ables par­ti­cipants not only to study and learn, but also to ex­per­i­ence and prac­tice the work. In ex­per­i­en­cing the teach­ing, par­ti­cipants will de­vel­op a deep­er un­der­stand­ing of their own growth and com­pet­ence in the pro­fes­sion­al ap­plic­a­tion.

The In­ter­na­tion­al In­sti­tute for Core Evolu­tion & CoreSoma is an ac­cred­ited* In­sti­tute by the EABP, EAP and USABP. A com­plete train­ing in Core Evolu­tion leads to cer­ti­fic­a­tion in In­teg­rat­ive, Body-Ori­en­ted and Mind­ful­ness-Centered Psy­cho­ther­apy, which al­lows you to be­come a full mem­ber in the EABP and to apply for the European Cer­ti­fic­ate of Psy­cho­ther­apy (ECP).

Please in­quire for fur­ther de­tails: https://www.coree­volu­tion.de/en/con­tact.html

More Info: https://www.coreevolution.de/en/professional-trainings/core-evolution-trainings.html