Name Brighton School for Embodied TherapyDance of Awareness Training 2022, Brighton
Tutors: Tim Brown and Clare Osbond
7th – 9th October and 18th – 20th November 2022
Dance of Awareness is a joyful and exciting exploration of what it is to be in a body, moving in response to inner awareness and outer connectedness. It is a group movement practice, based on developmental psychology and psychoanalytic theory. It draws on character styles, Authentic Movement, 5 Rhythms and mindfulness practice. It has different applications – from community conscious dance events to more therapeutically oriented work with groups, both in community and clinical settings. DoA graduates are now offering classes and groups across the UK and beyond.
The training is designed for anyone wishing to develop their skills working in non-verbal group settings – particularly movement work, group process, non-verbal interpersonal communication, and conscious dance. We also welcome therapists who are looking to incorporate movement and body awareness more fully into their one-to-one client work. We explore the use of character structure, mindful body awareness, somatic attunement, attachment bonding and empathic reflection in ways which can assist transformation and self-development.
DoA works as a developmental cycle – we dance with music through the phases of sensing, grounding, expressing, releasing, connecting and completing. Our journey begins from birth when it is through movement, touch and non-verbal interaction that we first discover ourselves and make contact with our world. Neuroscience shows how important this process is in the creation of our sense of self as we learn to adapt to our environment, and how early body memories form the template for our adult selves. In DoA we consciously revisit this early body history, celebrate the embodied patterns that make us unique, and discover new ways of unfolding into being.
Working with movement is key to the effectiveness of the practice. So much of our early history is beyond words – either pre-verbal or unconscious – that it is best accessed non-verbally. Movement work also has the potential to create an ecstatic or non-ordinary group experience where the transpersonal becomes vividly present and transformative. As we move and breathe together, we open more fully to self-awareness and a wider consciousness of our place in the world.
The training takes place over two weekends. Each weekend comprises an evening introductory tutorial (Friday), one-day DoA workshop (Saturday), and a tutorial day (Sunday). The Saturday workshops will give you direct experience of the DoA cycle; the Sunday tutorials include experiential work and will give you the psychoanalytic and developmental background to DoA, plus the practical skills to run groups working with movement and attunement in a predominantly non-verbal way. So please note, the Saturdays are Dance of Awareness workshops (when you will be dancing/moving), whereas the rest of the weekend is theory (mixed with some experiential work on the Sundays).
Graduates will receive a certificate in DoA theory and practice, and be licensed to offer DoA classes. However you don’t have to be interested in offering DoA classes in order to do the training. Many people take the training for their own interest and self-development, or because they are interested in facilitating groups which involve movement and embodied process.
Training requirements:
A prerequisite for joining the training is for trainees to have read the paper Dance of Awareness in Theory and Practice (2012) which is on the Resources page of our website. You must attend all six days of the training at the times given.
Background theory:
Introduction to Dance of Awareness
The role of awareness
The developmental cycle
Psychoanalytic theory (including Reichian character structure)
Developmental and somatic psychology
Spiritual vs developmental model
Holding a Dance of Awareness group:
Group safety
Chacian approach and mirroring
Affect attunement, attachment and regulation
Person positioning
Group handling overview
Choice and use of music
Location: The Studio, 39 Whippingham Road, Brighton, BN2 3PF
Dates: Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 7th – 9th October and 18th – 20th November 2022
Times: Fridays 5.00pm – 8pm; Saturdays 11.00am – 5.30pm; Sundays 10.30am – 5pm
To apply: There is no formal application process, but we assume you have an interest in working with group process, movement and awareness. Please apply by email, telling us something about yourself and your interest in Dance of Awareness. Once we have confirmed your place on the training, we will send you the bank details for booking.
Cost: £490 or earlybird price of £450 if paid by 7th September. Our cancellation policy can be found here.
To book: Places are limited. Please apply as above prior to booking. For the earlybird price, a deposit of £220 is required with the £230 balance due by September 7th. Please pay by bank transfer (email for bank details). On booking you will receive a booking confirmation.
Covid-19: please read our Covid-19 protocol before booking.
If you want to discuss anything by phone, please email us to arrange a time to call one of us.
We have run seven previous Dance of Awareness trainings. Many of our graduates are now offering DoA classes and workshops – see the Facebook Dance of Awareness (Core Group) page to see what they are up to.